söndag 16 september 2007

In 2017 libraries will be...

Kunde inte låta bli att kopiera in följande sammanfattning av biblioteksvisioner från National Library of New Zealand at LIANZA Conference 2007: TRANZFORM - Te Tīnihanga (9-12 September).


Where I am, tailored to my interests and delivered in the format required. i.e. virtual or hard copy

Social Connected Seamless Mobile

A Place ASpace Where I want to be

An Option on your i-pod


Like McDonalds: Everywhere, easy to find, with a big menu and a tasty product!

In my pocket

The New Black

Bloody Awesome

And my very favorite:

Looking Towards 2027

Hämtat från bloggen Library Revolution.

Jag gillar särskilt "ubiquitous" -"allestädes närvarande"!

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